We address our projects as missions, where the missions include the activities in three key realms e.g. awareness, action, and alternative. In the Awareness domain, we design and execute activities where students and individuals can participate in our programme and aware society of global warming, climate change and other relevant environmental issues the Earth is facing. In line with this theme, we have created an online article and poster-making competition among University/Institute students and named this event EARTHFEST 1.0. EARTHFEST 1.0 aims to maximize the inclusion of College/University/Institute students in the fight against global warming and climate change. The second stage of the awareness drive will involve school students where they can engage creatively and innovatively in addressing global warming, climate change and related environmental issues the Earth is facing and solutions for its mitigation.
In the Action realm, we install and execute projects and technologies, researched and designed by Sciglyph Exploration for our planet and its Bio-diversity. Presently in the action section, we are working on two key projects, where the first one is on an innovative approach to urban forestation for biological carbon sequestration and the second one is on carbon sequestration on a key geomorphological unit. Here in this domain, the Greensapien team is also planning for the installation of small and innovative components of renewable energy units to enhance the clean energy mix in our energy usage. We believe that reducing carbon from the source can help more in achieving net zero rather than sequestrating it from the atmosphere.
The alternative section of the Greensapien is responsible for implementing natural products in our daily lives to minimize the usage of plastic and polyester-based materials. The research and development unit of Sciglyph Exploration has already designed a non-plastic metal-based reusable toothbrush to address the massive plastic waste materials globally generated from our toothbrush. In line with the theme of alternative, we are also exploring nature-friendly fibres with a cost-effective value to be easily implemented in our daily lives. For detail of our various ongoing and upcoming projects click the button below.
What is carbon sequestration and the techniques used in it?
The most often produced greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide. The technique of extracting and storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is known as carbon sequestration. It is one way to lessen global climate change by lowering the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide. The two main forms of carbon sequestration techniques are geologic and biologic. The ability of ecosystems and living things to naturally store carbon is known as biological sequestration. Particularly effective carbon store habitats include forests, peat wetlands, and coastal wetlands. The practice of storing carbon dioxide (CO2) underground in geologic formations is known as geologic carbon sequestration. There are other geological processes like enhanced rock weathering and mineral carbonation which help address climate change by taking carbon-dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it in the rocks for hundred of thousands of years.