Scientific themes and topics inside it for writing articles and making posters
The topics for participation in article writing and poster making in the EARTHFEST have been tried to cover various aspects and attributes of Earth, negative anthropogenic effects, sustainability and other vulnerable fronts. The topics have been categorized into six themes and the topics cover many branches of Science, Humanities, and Engineering faculties. You can go through the topics within each theme and can write articles and create posters as per your expertise or interest.
Theme 01. Global Warming and Climate Change
1. Global warming's key components
2. Addressing the complex interplay of global warming and climate change
3. The Economic Toll of Global Warming: Evaluating its impact on Global Economies and Policy responses
4. How global warming and climate change are affecting water availability, quality and distribution
5. Key Climate change organisations and Conference of the parties
6. Global strategy for mitigation of global warming: Key climate agreements, protocols and commitments
Theme 02. Sustainability and Eco-friendly practices
1. Planet vs Plastics: How to deal with this challenge
2. Reduce Reuse Recycle: How to accelerate its integration into our lifestyle
3. The dark side of Fast fashion and its impact on the environment
4. Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems: Addressing challenges and opportunities in promoting sustainable farming practices
5. Green Building and Sustainable Architecture: Examining Sustainable Building Design Principles, energy-efficient technologies, and materials to reduce carbon emissions
6. Exploring innovative approaches to waste reduction, resource efficiency, and product lifecycle management to minimise environmental impact and promote circularity in the economic system.
Theme 03. Alternative and Clean Sources of Energy.
1. Renewable energy: Innovations, challenges and future implementations
2. Geothermal energy: Opportunity, Technological Innovations and Challenges
3. Hydrogen: Perspective as the key fuel for a sustainable future
4. Geologic or Natural Hydrogen: Beginning of a new Gold rush
5. What Key challenges India will face in achieving net zero by 2070 from the energy aspect
6. Mega Battery storage power stations: Boon or Bane for environment
Theme 04. Carbon Emissions and Sequestration
1. Major carbon emitting entities: Challenges for its reduction at the point source
2. Biological carbon sequestration: Key methodologies, techniques, benefits and limitations
3. Direct carbon capture and storage in geological systems: Innovations and challenges
4. Carbon capture through mineral carbonation and Enhanced rock weathering.
5. How the captured carbon from the atmosphere can be utilised?
6. India’s potential in carbon capture and storage: Technological and Geological aspects
Theme 05. Anthropogenic effects on the Environmental components of the planet
1. Rise in Air pollution: Causes and mitigation strategies
2. Microplastics in fresh and drinkable water
3. Groundwater pollution and contamination: The case of India and neighbouring countries
4. Soil pollution and its impact on food safety
5. Impact of global warming on biodiversity and eco-system
6. Land restoration and protection of the ecosystem.
Theme 06. Engineering and Technological aspects on minimising the negative anthropogenic effects on the Planet Earth.
1. Artificial Intelligence: How it can help in mitigation of Global warming and climate change
2. Waste to Energy: Innovations and Challenges
3. Source reduction of Greenhouse gas emission
4. Geoinformatics: Exploring climate change and accelerated natural disasters
5. Electric vehicle vs. Fuel Cell vehicle
6. Environmental impacts of Mega Engineering projects: How to balance the need with nature.
Standard Formats for articles and posters and submission method.
The title of the article should be bold with a font size of 14 (Times New Roman) whereas the body text or content should have a font size of 12 (Times New Roman). If there is a figure associated with the article include it within the article with a caption. If the article includes references, then mention the reference at the end of the article. The length of the article should not be more than 1500 words. Submit your article in the pdf format by 25th of May 2024. There is no specific template for the poster but it is suggested to be made in portrait format. The size of the posters shall not be more than 25 MB and must be in either JPEG or PNG format. Submit your poster before the 25th of May 2024. Please mention your name and affiliation beneath the title of the article or poster you are submitting.
How to submit your article or poster for EARTHFEST 1.0
The completed articles and posters should have to be sent through email to In the subject of the email please mention “Article/Poster submission for EARTHFEST” and in the content of the mail write your name, college name and address.